Deepsky - In Silico
This is the stuff you can easily imagine listening to while surrounded by thousands of people dancing on an archipelago somewhere while a tropical Sun fades the night to bright.
Made from the best sonic ingredients currently available In Silico is the sound of Scott Giaquinta and Jason Blum pushing their already world renowned production skills to another level, and although mainstream listeners will be hearing their treatment of Die Another Day, Madonna's turn at a Bond Theme, all over the place this weekend it's tracks like Ride, Metro and Until The End Of The World that will be turning on tables in the coming months.
In Silico may not sound too groundbreaking to those who think they've heard it all before, but listen to this amid a stack of contemporary high energy electronic music and you'll find yourself turning it up, and up.
Rating - 817,535 (out of a possible 1,000,000)