Netborn - Megagames
For all I know this music may be the flavor of the month in Moscow, where Netborn calls its home. The type heard in clubs and trendy coffee houses throughout the capitol. But it sure sounds original to me here in Seattle.
It's difficult to define exactly what is going on here, within its tightly woven sonic intricacies. I'm hearing traditional elements, the type of thing a westerner would expect to hear in Russian music, butting up against decidedly classical counterpoint sat on jagged rhythmic structures that throw a whole new light on this often ethereal cabaret.
Switched On Mozart anyone?
It's a sound workshop, an avant garde collective, an exploration into the unknown, while all the time feeling oddly familiar, a music that should be playing in clubs and trendy coffee houses in my town.
Rating: 946,820 (out of a possible 1,000,000)